We had a very successful morning at the Red Barn. Thanks to Brian Wilsdon, Dave Kirkpatrick, Tom Beharrell (brought his tractor and wagon), Loretta Vaughan, Joanne Welch (became a member during the work), and Jim Northey for coming out to the barn. Another thank you goes out to the following: D J Smale for sending lunch food with Jim. Richard Wright and Brian King for cutting and trimming the grass last Monday of the long weekend. The property looks awesome. After the shed came down and the debris was cleaned up, Brian, Dave and Tom headed out to do some trail rerouting at 4th Concession Rd. while myself and the ladies stayed back to clean and organize the barn. The lunch menu was turkey sandwiches, veggies, chips, bottled water, Loretta’s selection of chocolate covered cookies and D.J’s famous homemade cookies.
Loretta and I took home approximately 10 very large bags of garbage to be tagged for today’s garbage day.
Welcome new members Joanne Welch and her husband Mike.
Again, thank you all so much …. YOU ROCK!