Annual Winter Dinner

Last week the club held it’s annual dinner at the Bistro. There were thirty people including guests.We had a room to ourselves and five tables were occupied. This did make getting to talk to everyone a bit problematic.Everyone enjoyed ordering what they would like off the menu. After the dinner Brian Wilsdon wanted to recognize … Read more

Annual Club Dinner Social

Get rid of the winter blahs, come and enjoy a meal with other club members for supper at the Wayside Dining Lounge. Mark your calendar, Saturday, January 25th, 2020. Meet at 5 p.m. One can order the buffet or anything on the menu. If you would like to join us please call or text Brian … Read more

2018 Annual Club Dinner

The annual club dinner will be at the Wayside Dining Lounge on Saturday, January 20th. We will meet at the restaurant at 5 pm for some socializing. Everyone will be able to order off the menu or enjoy their prime rib buffet. We hope to see you all out for this social event. Please let … Read more

Upcoming Annual Dinner

The annual dinner for the Elgin Hiking Trail Club is at 5 pm on Saturday, January 21st. Please let any executive member you are planning to join us. We look forward to seeing you there for a great meal and social hour. DJ will not be able to join us she is backpacking the El … Read more

Annual Dinner fast approaching

The annual dinner for the Elgin Hiking Trail Club is at 5 pm on January 30th. Please RSVP DJ Smale at 501-765-2029 if you would like to join us at the St Thomas Roadhouse, 837 Talbot Street. We look forward to seeing you there for a great meal and social hour.