There were 23 members out for the AGM at St Thomas Public Library. Gary Lowe was the evening MC and the meeting went swiftly, there were no new volunteers for the executive. Secretary and Social Convenor positions are still vacant. President Richard Wright thanks Tilman Joosten for all the work he did for the new crossing over a wash out area on Dodd Creek. Michelle gave thanks to Brian King for making her transition to secretary so smooth. Members of the executive supplied snacks and coffee.
All photos in this post taken by Brian Wilsdon.
Joan Atchison and Michelle Innes did a presentation on the events the club participated in for the last year. They even had a practice hiking session with volunteers. Everyone had a great laugh. The ladies had three gifts for anyone who found Waldo in the pictures. Lawrence Eubank called Waldo for about the first five slides, confirming him as one of the club’s happiness clowns.
Still waiting to hear if next years 50th anniversary will be twinned with Hike Ontario’s AGM next year.
A nice card and sign of appreciation was sent by YWCA for the 4 ladies from the club who did a presentation at Women’s Day at the Seniors Centre earlier this year.
My husband and I were wondering if it was to participate in a beginners hike prior to paying for a membership to ensure we could keep up. Is this possible?
Hello Janet:
Everyone is more than welcome to join us on the hikes.
My recommendation would be to do a Wednesday morning hike with Jim.
They meet behind the car wash on Sunset Drive at 9 am.
If Wednesday mornings do not work suggest a hike on the weekend in the Pathfinder.